Tuesday, 8 October 2013

This year's entry to the Wolverhampton's Warmest Landing Competition

Finally managed to rig up the Solamiser, to divert excess solar pv generation into space heating. I even managed to run a new circuit, from the garage-mounted consumer unit to the panel heater on the landing, without knocking half the house down and with minimal swearing (first time for everything). So far, we have the Solamiser on a dedicated 16A circuit feeding a solitary 400W panel heater. I have employed a modular 'plug & play' design to make provision for future expansion (which roughly translates as "there's a junction box in the cupboard under the stairs").

Solamiser fitted discretely above the consumer unit in the garage

Well, it works. The moment pv generation exceeds demand, the Solamiser kicks in and the little neon on the panel heater begins to flicker, denoting that the heater is receiving less than it's rated power. As the pv output ramps up, the flicker lessens until the heater is running at full power. The landing is nice and toasty and our electricity meter hasn't moved since I last put the kettle on.

As I write this, at 1pm on a bright, partially cloudy day, the heater is running flat out and we're still exporting between 1 and 2kW. More heaters needed. We're now on the look out for a second hand storage heater or two, to maximise the potential of this free heating system.

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